

Regulating Apartment Building Heating System using Raspberry Pi

Argo Ellisson

The goal of this thesis to analyze different hard- and software and to build easy to use and cheap system for controlling different hardware devices in apartment building was completed;

Additionally to the main goals outdoor lights on-off switching according to the sunrise/sunset was also fulfilled.

Plans for future development are following:

There is also possibility to develop advanced web-based user interface from current one which gives only overview.

Most negative side of this thesis is according to the opinion of the author the issue that the benefits and savings provided by the more precise regulating are individual for every apartment building and can’t be predicted. It may happen also that because of the better regulating indoor temperature will be more stable and heating consumption therefore bigger. More precise regulating does not replace renovation but will help to minimize wasting.

Most positive sides are the fact that this thesis contains exhaustive information about different topics like heating regulation, different hardware, devices and their control, using the shell-scripts, Linux operating system configuration and much more. Produced system is not definitely easy for novice users of Linux operating system but it is definitely motivating them with savings provided by more precise heating system regulating and with overview what is really going on in heating system provided by collected data.